Sunday, April 25, 2010

June 2010 Goodson Family Blog

From David Huss

Update from the David & Vonda Huss family.  Vonda has her plate full.  Unfortunately, her mother Ostine passed away unexpectedly mid-April and Vonda is the executrix of the will.  Let’s just say that her house has more than the Goodwill store and Salvation Army combined.  It’s going to take a while.  To add to the fun, Vonda has moved to a new group at Wachovia / Wells Fargo which needs to be straightened out.  Mason and Parker have wrapped up another year of soccer.  Both had great years.  Now the countdown is on for it to start over again in July.  Summer brings lots of camps and Mason working with Uncle Brad and Papaw.  Parker’s going to try it for a week.  He may just hang out with Mamaw.  David’s real estate business  has picked up a little.  Lots of listings, but not a lot of buyers. 

From Dale Harris

Megan was inducted to Beta Club, and National Technical Honor Society. She is beginning to line up college visits and making those choices.Dylan passed all EOG's and is ready for high school. Mom is not ready to have a senior and freshman in high school.This summer Megan will be busy writing college essays, and keeping Grant and Aaron. Dylan will be playing baseball and chores that mom can find to keep him busy. We are all looking forward to summer where life is a little slower.

From Leslie Bailey
We have had a busy two months. We have caught lizards, hatched moths, gone on field trips, hiked to our favorite waterfall, played soccer, and performed in a dance recital. Oma (Erika) got to meet us at the Lazy 5 Ranch for one field trip. Ethan started his final semester of his MBA program and will be graduating on August 12! We are very excited about that! We are all looking forward to the end of the school year so we can have a break from the hectic schedules and relax.

From the Reel's
The Reel Family has been busy the month of May with many celebrations and events. Krista graduated with her BSN from WCU on May 6th. Chris and Krista stayed over in Asheville that night to celebrate a quick early anniversary with a trip to the Biltmore House (10 years in June). Sadie performed beautifully at a dance recital and graduated with "Honors" from Kindergarten at Southlake (well, she's been reading Chapter books since the first day of school). Brooks spent the day in the CFO's office at Spectrum Properties...we are thinking he might be following in his dad's footsteps. Jud finished his regular baseball season (8-6) tournament remains. Go team! Jud spent his last day of 3rd grade enjoying a field day and sleepover with special friends. And Miles enjoyed two special field trips, 1st grade zoo trip and a Perfect Attendance trip to Ray's Splash Planet this month.Whew!!! We are tired but very proud of all our children and grandchildren. We are looking forward to a much needed "restful" family vacation in June. We wish you all a safe and happy summer. See you in July.

From Phillip Harris
The Harris family will be camping in the North Carolina mountains for Memorial Day weekend. Soon after that we will be camping at James Island, SC beginning on the last day of school for our summer vacation. Grant is playing basketball for the Maiden Blazers, a 9 & under YBOA team. He has played in one tournament and the team was 2-2. They will play next in Asheville June 4,5 & 6.
From Roger
May was a busy month. We had quite a scare when Lily awoke from a nap unable to get her breath due to the croup. After a 911 call, a trip to the hospital for a couple of breathing treatments, a doctor visit and several days home with mommy and daddy she was feeling better. She loves flowers, playing outside and hiding (especially in Mamaw Hazel's curtains).
Roger still having blood pressure problems...but this time it's too low. His doctor is cutting back his meds and will see him again in a couple of weeks. He is fishing now so we know he is on the mend.
Becky is busy with her practice and Chris with school as well as serving as president and vice president of the Lincoln Theatre Guild. Our next show is The Rocky Horror Show at the Lincoln Cultural Center. Show times are 8:00 June 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27 with midnight showings on June 19 and 26. Please note this has adult themes. Come out and see it.

Below are some photos Chester Bowman has scanned and put on his Facebook page.
Willi Washington and Clara Drum Goodson. Photos following are Guy's brothers and sisters.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April Goodson Family Blog 2010

Sorry the blog is so late this month...what can I say other than retirement can be very busy. I'm starting with my family this time. We have all been busy. Roger is feeling better but still not 100% yet. We are seeing a new doctor next week as ours is retiring. I just finished another photography class. Chris has been busy with school. Becky just finished organizing and running the Rotary Auction cafe. During Easter week we took time out to go to the NC Zoo. Lily had a great time and was so good. She is now walking and exploring the world. She loves to be outside.

From Krista

On March 20th Krista was inducted into the National Nurses Honor Society. See photos below. On March 25th Miles performed in a PTO Spring Program at Catawba Springs. 29 days until Krista's graduation.......YAY!

Dale sends us this...

The Dale Harris family had an opportunity to go to the first day of Practice Rounds at the Masters. They had a great time despite the hot weather.

Note: Megan's prom was this weekend so I expect we will have some photos of it for next month.

The brothers, sisters and spouses all had a great time over Easter getting together at Phyllis' and NC's. Here are some photos of the night taken by Erika.

Kathy Watts sent these photos of Maggie and Carson. Maggie was confirmed on 3/28/2010. Carson was very excited when her Pumpkin Center Battle of the Books Team won 1st place. Cale and Kathy also spent a week at Disney without the kids during March.

Brad Huss and Family

Not that the Brad Huss family has stopped but Softball is in full swing. Their10U travel team won the 2010 Top Gun Spring State Championship March 27-28. Mia pitched 4 straight games and never complained, what a trooper! Ana has turned into quiet the slugger. She is hitting the ball between 2 and 3rd base, that is great for her age and size. Way to go Ana!
Ana and Mia's optimist teams will begin playing games April 13th. This weekend the Huss family is back to Concord with the travel team to try for another Championship.

Over the Easter weekend they took a trip to Carolina Adventure World in Winnsboro, SC, this place has thousands of acres to ride ATV's. While they were in the area The Lady Vols played USC in Columbia so we spent the day watching the double header on Saturday. What a great experience. Mia and Ana both have signed softballs by all the girls on the team.
As for Brad and Jill we are either working or on the ball field. Brad's business has been booming, YEA!!!!

From Leslie Bailey
It has been an interesting month. At the beginning of the month Leslie fell down the steps and dislocated her toe chipping the bone and fracturing it at the same time. A couple weeks on crutches and a month in a wooden shoe was not fun, but she is back in a regular shoe with a limp now. Hopefully the swelling, red stripe, and limp will go away soon.
At the end of the month Noah ended up with Scarlet Fever. He has recovered fine and everyone else in the house managed to avoid it.
On a more fun note, Emma and Noah started soccer. This is Emma's first time playing and she is enjoying it. Their first game is Friday, April 9th. We took the kids kayaking for the first time on Good Friday. They loved it and so did we. We are currently pricing kayaks so we can go more often.
Our big news is that Emma and Noah now have a new cousin! Rylyn Elizabeth Bailey was born April 6th. The parent's are Ethan's brother, Lloyd Bailey and our sister in law Tammy. We are so excited to now have a niece!
From Phillip Harris
My family is doing good and staying very busy. Grant is playing minor league baseball (kid pitch) this spring and will be playing 2nd base for the Maiden Brewers. Aaron is playing machine pitch baseball and will also be playing 2nd base. His team is the Maiden Astros. I am helping coach Grant's team and I am the head coach for Aaron's team.
Janice stays busy and is having great success with her Premier Jewelry business. We will be taking our first camping trip of the year this weekend to Crosswind Family Campground near Salisbury. We plan on visiting the transportation museum while we are there.
I am looking forward to the end of month when David and I will be representing the Goodson family at the Quail Hollow Championship. We will be measuring golf balls with a laser from a tower overlooking green #3. We work on Friday & Saturday all day. If you happen to go, stop by and see us.
From the Past - Here are a few photos Erika posted on Facebook that I thought everyone would enjoy. Boy have we ever changed.