Sunday, December 6, 2009

December Family Blog

December Blog
Mike and Gail sent us this photo of their family on the beach at Thanksgiving. Great to see them looking so good.

Leslie Bailey shares that they had lunch with Emma and Noah (the pilgrim and Native American) at school on Tuesday. Noah starts basketball on the 30th. We are very proud of Emma and Noah for saving their money. They saved enough money to buy themselves a Santa just has to bring somegames. Leslie also shares that she went on girls weekend to the mountains with 5 other mom's at thebeginning of the month. She says it was nice to get away and relax, hike, and shop at the outlets. The following weekend Ethan went away on business to a convention in California. His booth was right next to HGTV's booth. Even though he was right across from Sabrina Soto (Real Estate Intervention), he didn't get a picture.

Bernice shares that she and Bill were busy at Thanksgiving getting ready for their family. They had a great time, especially the children. They ran and played until the meal was ready. They had a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Bernice says that "God has been good to us this year and we all had much to be thankful for. " After they ate they played games. They went to Leslie and Todd Black's house on Thursday evening. There was enough good food to feed an army.
Bernice says they are still trying to get window treatments up in the house. She has about gotten every thing else in place. You can actually walk through the rooms now and the other house is empty except for yard sale things and we will have a yard sale soon. They still want everybody to come by for a visit soon.

Lily celebrated her 1st birthday on November 21st.
Lily and her Monkey Cake...oh and Daddy.

Lily Standing all by herself on Thanksgiving

Goodson Christmas Party Photos

Please send me your December family news and photos. I can't write the blog if you don't send me any information. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas...and use those cameras at Christmas. I'm just an email away at